Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement
The Journal of Engineering Research and Application's (JERA) Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement draws heavily from the principles and recommendations established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). We have laid out below the responsibilities and requirements of the journal's authors, reviewers, and editors.
Author Obligations
The author(s) of a paper submitted to the Journal of Engineering Research and Application represent that the work is unique to them and has not been published elsewhere or is currently under review for publication elsewhere. They also promise that they have appropriately cited and/or quoted any ideas or words included in the document that are not their own. When submitting a manuscript for publication, an author should avoid submitting the same work to many publications. Unprofessional publishing practises, such duplicate publication, can lead to the dismissal of a submitted manuscript or the withdrawal of a previously published piece. Reports on original research should include a thorough description of the research conducted and an unbiased analysis of its importance. The manuscript should be honest in its depiction of the underlying data. The manuscript needs to have enough information and citations for others to reproduce the results. Manuscripts or articles that include fabricated results or other forms of dishonesty, such as fraudulent or willfully misleading statements, may be rejected or retracted. Authors must include a declaration at the beginning of the paper stating that there is no conflict of interest or describing the nature of any potential conflict if the manuscript contains information about commercial software, hardware, or other goods. The manuscript should also include a full accounting of the funding that made the study possible. If a submission is accepted for publication in the Journal of Engineering Research and Application, the authors understand and agree that the article will be copyrighted under the Creative Commons "Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike" licence. Under the terms of this licence, the original author(s) may retain ownership of their work, while others may freely reproduce, distribute, and publicly display the original and any derivative works created with the original's inspiration. If an author wishes to include an image or piece of artwork in their work for which they do not have the copyright, or wishes to adapt an existing piece of artwork, they must secure the appropriate legal permissions before doing so. To comply with the Creative Commons "Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike" licence, the copyright holder must be informed that the image(s) or artwork will be made publicly available online as part of the article. All authors take responsibility for their individual contributions and agree that their names should be mentioned within the paper in the order of their level of involvement in the research. Authorship should be reserved for those who have made a significant contribution; those whose role was more indirect or minor (such as coworkers or supervisors who reviewed draughts of the work or provided proofreading assistance, and heads of research institutes/centers/labs) should be acknowledged in a "Acknowledgements" section at the end of the article, before the Reference List. The corresponding author is responsible for checking that all mentioned co-authors have seen and approved the final version of the paper and agree to its publication, that no inappropriate co-authors are included, and that all appropriate co-authors are listed. Should the author of a published paper in the Journal of Engineering Research and Application discover a serious error or inaccuracy, he or she is obligated to contact the editors as soon as possible and work with them to either rectify the article or retract it, as the case may be.
Reviewers Obligations:
Journal of Engineering Research and Application reviewers provide their services pro bono. Most of these folks have day jobs, so reviewing articles for the Journal of Engineering Research and Application can't be their first priority any longer. Reviewers are not obligated to accept requests to examine any given manuscript, and may politely decline if they feel they will not be able to complete a review in a timely manner or do justice to the assignment in the time allotted. They shouldn't take on manuscript review jobs that they don't feel up to either. Reviewers who have agreed to read a manuscript are typically given three weeks to complete their reviews and submit them. If it becomes apparent at any point that they lack the necessary expertise to carry out the review, or if they may have a potential conflict of interest in performing the review, they should recuse themselves from the assignment (e.g., one resulting from competitive, collaborative, or other relationships or connections with any of the authors, institutions, or companies associated with the manuscript). Reviewers are obligated to keep in confidence any secret information or novel ideas they uncover during the peer review process. Manuscripts submitted to the Journal of Engineering Research and Application for review are confidential documents and may not be shared with anyone outside of the review process without the Editor's permission. Reviewers are asked to be as neutral as possible in their assessments, and to avoid making any personal judgments on the author (s). They should advocate for their positions explicitly, offering explanations and justifications for any suggestions made. Even if they believe the manuscript is not publishable, they still have a responsibility to provide detailed and helpful input to the author(s) in an effort to help them improve the work. In their reviews, critics should call attention to any pertinent previously published work that the authors neglected to reference, as well as any instances in which correct attribution of sources was lacking. Any concerns about the ethical acceptability of the study stated in the manuscript, as well as any similarities they notice between the submitted manuscript and other published articles or papers, should be brought to the attention of the appropriate editor.
Editors Obligations:
The Editor of the Journal of Engineering Research and Application has final authority to decide whether or not a submitted manuscript should be published in the Journal of Engineering Research and Application, subject to the policies established by the Editorial Board of the Journal of Engineering Research and Application and any applicable laws concerning libel, copyright infringement, and the like. When deciding what to publish, the Editor may consult with the Associate Editor, other editorial staff, and outside reviewers. Editors will consider manuscripts only on the basis of their content, regardless of the author's race, colour, gender, sexual orientation, religious views, ethnic background, country of origin, citizenship status, or political ideology (s). Except for the author(s), reviewers, and potential reviewers (including in some cases, the Journal of Engineering Research and Application editorial board members), they will not share any details about a submission under consideration with anyone else. Furthermore, the editors will not disclose the identity of the author(s) of a manuscript to its reviewers, or vice versa, in order to maintain the confidentiality of the peer review process. The editors will look for evidence that ethical damages have been minimised in the conduct of the reported research in addition to the usual criteria relative to the rigour of the work, the quality of its presentation, and its contribution to humanity's accumulated knowledge. In this specific study, they will question if the benefits are worth the risks. The Journal of Engineering Study and Application accepts submissions from authors all over the world, so it's important to keep in mind that different countries have different rules and regulations when it comes to research ethics and ethical approval. Therefore, the editors may contact the author(s) to ask for clarification and have them send a letter from the relevant institutional ethics committee or board stating that the research was conducted in accordance with their guidelines. By consulting CORE's Guidelines for Retracting Papers, the Journal of Engineering Research and Application's editors will be able to make informed decisions regarding whether or not to withdraw, express concern about, or modify previously published articles. They are committed to cooperating with research institutions and organisations to address research integrity cases, as per a CORE recommendation.