Why are there Article Processing Charges in Journals?
Traditional journal operates solely on a reader-pays model, with institutional libraries paying for content
access. The Journal of Engineering Research and Application publishes full open access publications.
All articles published in the journal are available to the scholarly community and the general public for
free. This means that selling subscriptions to the printed or online editions of the published papers does
not generate any revenue for Journal of Engineering Research and Application. Journal of Engineering
Research and Application (JERA) is able to cover the various publishing services by collecting Article
Processing Charges from authors' institutes or research funding bodies.:
- Editorial work
- Peer review
- Administrative support
- Commissioning content
- Journal development
- Technical infrastructure and innovation.
- Maintenance and operation of online journal system and websites.
Who is Responsible for Paying the Article Processing Charges?
Upon an article is editorially accepted, the corresponding author will be notified about the payment issue, which is charged to either the author, or the funder, institution or employer.
When and How do Authors Pay?
The corresponding author needs to arrange payment of the Article Processing Charges unless a waiver
has been granted. Following peer review, once a manuscript has received editorial acceptance in
principle, the Article Processing Charges becomes payable and the formatting checks on the manuscript
will commence. Once formatting checks are completed, and payment of the Article Processing Charges
has been received, the article will be published.
APC for the accepted article will be nominal and 30 USD which is kept for the smooth functioning of
the Journal of Engineering Research and Application.