Author Guidelines

Format of articles Journal of Engineering research and application accepts articles in two formats: Article and Report. Generally, the Journal of engineering research and application does not impose restrictions on the length of the article, however, this journal strongly recommends the main text should not contain words more than 4000 after excluding the abstract and references. The total page of the article should not be more than the 20 pages in single-column formatting and for two columns formatting, this should not be more than the 10 pages.


Please do not include any references in your Abstract also the abstract should be general of your subject to the brief of the article.


The manuscript should start with the title in bold followed by the author’s names and affiliations with contact information. It’s mandatory to provide the contact details of the corresponding author.
The research article can follow the main text as per the need of your research while we are also suggesting the following

Your submission must also include following

Cover letter

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